Wednesday, February 1, 2012

2nd Letter to Nancy! (January 2012)


It’s amazing how things change and we grow throughout our horse-man-ship journey. We think we are going to “fix” our horse. Then we realize WE are the ones who need “fixing!” Everything has fallen into place like you said it would. We got balance in our LOVE, LANGUAGE, & LEADERSHIP. We graduated Level 2 Online!!!!...a goal that I thought was out of reach a while ago! J Now we are riding! Wow! I’m still amazed at the transformation you have given Decker and myself!

It is crazy how peer pressure doesn’t go away after your school days. Horse people…and by that I mean non-Parelli students, can pressure and criticize your principles and timelines! I’ve really had to stand my ground for my principles and Decker’s timeline! With the pressure to just “break” Decker and ride the tar out of him, I had to just immerse myself into studying the Parelli way. That has helped along with your guidance and support! I am so blessed to have you as my instructor and my friend! I’ve done a lot of soul searching and praying, because you know that I was almost ready to give up all together. I was afraid I was going to be forced to sell Decker. I thought that we were the worst match ever and that my confidence was gone for good. I have studied our Horsenality/Humanality Match Report, and it seems I’m attracted to my opposite, both in my horse and my husband!!!!! It is easier said than done, but you are helping me achieve my goal of mental, emotional, and physical fitness! Thank you!

When I dropped off Decker to you on New Years day, I was in tears and ready to sell him. I thought there was no way with the lack of support at home and our opposite personality/horsenality that we could mesh EVER!!!! Boy did you prove both of us wrong! J I was so happy to hear you say that Decker had made some really nice changes and was doing well! I was afraid before that my lack of knowledge and leadership had ruined him forever! Thankfully Decker is forgiving of my flaws and is patient as I’m learning! You have been the lifesaver that we both needed to help us in our Parelli journey! I knew I didn’t have the knowledge and confidence to start Decker. Thankfully you have given us HOPE!!! Now we are at the end of January and I haven’t felt better about where we are headed! The fact that we are about to video our Level 2 Freestyle Audition is just CRAZY!!!!! It feels so awesome that Decker and I have done all of this together!!!!!

Thank you so much for believing in us Nancy! You will never know how much you mean to us! Thank you for going on this crazy rollercoaster with us!

Brooke Jeffries & Decker Details!
McRae, GA

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